Network Security Specialist Overview What is a network security specialist?

Many large corporations are also setting up their own cybersecurity taskforces and are increasingly hiring cybersecurity specialists. Regardless of your degree, it is important to constantly educate yourself on new technologies and threats. Sometimes, this may mean taking additional cyber certifications or classes after you are hired. has umpteen number of opportunities for Network Security Specialists.

network security specialist

Expert knowledge of the tactics and methods used for attempted unauthorized system access is necessary to carry out security upgrades accordingly. A how to become a security specialist works with other managers to enhance proper security processes and procedures. They’re also responsible for the creation of network security policies and regular performance reports. When it comes to education, network support engineers tend to earn similar degree levels compared to network security specialists. In fact, they’re 1.9% more likely to earn a Master’s Degree, and 0.7% more likely to graduate with a Doctoral Degree.

Network Security Analyst

By monitoring, detecting, investigating, analyzing, and responding to security events, cybersecurity specialists protect systems from cybersecurity risks, threats, and vulnerabilities. The Network Security Specialist should provide all the support to the IT Security team to understand the security requirements. They must perform security engineering activities through a Lean and Agile approach. The professionals must conduct threat and vulnerability assessments such as DDOS assessment and security analysis. They must have a base security solution in place while developing and delivering the general risk and compliance practices.

As per Neuvoo, for this position, the professional earns about $79,835 per year or $40.94 per hour. The professionals at entry-level positions start at $18,525 per year, whereas the experienced workers make up to $106,750 per year. The Glassdoor salary estimate states that on an average the makes about $67,620 per year.


The Security Specialist has to develop data protection, privacy and audit practices while establishing gap analysis and mitigation methodologies. They have to act as a technical interface when providing technical solutions to clients. Since a security specialist is essentially an entry-level position in the large world of cyber security, there are positions you can start out in at first and then, you can work your way up the ladder into a management role. It is a great career to enter as there are several roads to travel toward executive-level roles. In addition to switching up your job search, it might prove helpful to look at a career path for your specific job. Well, it’s practically a map that shows how you might advance from one job title to another.

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